Valley Forest Nature Park

  • Company name: Völgyerdő Nonprofit Kft.
  • Registration number: 20-09-076239
  • Tax number: 26545738-2-20
  • Bank account number: HU 25 11749015 28535807 00000000 (Swift code: OTPVHUHB)
  • Headquarters and office: Magyar utca 5., Nagybakónak, 8821, Hungary
  • Park: 1871 hrsz., Nagybakónak, 8821, Hungary


  • Phone number: +36304231013
  • E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Office opening hours

  • Moday - Thursday: 9:00 - 15:30
  • Friday: 9:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Visit the park

  • The park is currently under construction, paths are underway, and only a small part of the area can be crawled. You can view the park in a group of up to 3 people at a pre-agreed time, with escort.

Support us

We do our nonprofit conservation work completely free of charge, which does not generate any revenue. But we can only sustain ourselves with money. We are collecting to continue our value creation and preservation work, so if you have $5 to $25 to offer, please support us!

Bank: OTP Bank Nyrt.

IBAN: HU 25 11749015 28535807 00000000



© 2018-2024 Völgyerdő Nonprofit Kft. - All rights reserved. A honlapon közzétett tartalmnakat szerzői jogok védik, felhasználásukhoz engedély szükséges.

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